Our Simple Pricing To Protect You Today

Securing your digital assets is not a “nice to have”; it’s essential. In today’s world, a vulnerable website means that you’re an easy target for an attacker, putting your entire business at risk. With the speed at which threats are changing, a gap in your security can also disrupt your operations and shake the trust of your customers. Can you afford to leave your digital front door unlocked?

A security breach can be nearly crippling for a company. In an instant, customer trust can be destroyed, the reputation of your brand can suffer, and confidential data can be leaked. A shocking number of the websites are incredibly easy marks; this is your chance to become a hard target. We offer multiple packages to suit every business need, large or small. We got you covered.

The fact is that our security headers on this site are rated at A+ as is any website we build at Techsavvy, check them too. The not-so-great reality is that fewer than 2% of all websites tested have comparably strong security. Our cyberdefense warriors have got you covered with a full range of services to harden your site well beyond industry standards.

Tech savvy A+ Security Maintenance packages

Our Simple Pricing To Protect You Today


For 1 Site

  • NComprehensive security audit

    You’ll get Premium Email Support and Plugin Updates for a whole year.

  • NImplementation of A+ security measures

    You’ll get access to 40+ Creative Divi Modules to kick start your next Divi Website.

  • NUpdating and patching

    You’ll not only get 40+ Modules but you’ll also get 7+ Divi Extension to enhance your Divi Site’s Functionalities.

  • Nbackups and recovery plans

    You’ll not only get 40+ Modules but you’ll also get 7+ Divi Extension to enhance your Divi Site’s Functionalities.

  • NProviding a security report

    You’ll not only get 40+ Modules but you’ll also get 7+ Divi Extension to enhance your Divi Site’s Functionalities.

  • NA Guide To Continue Solid Website Security

    You’ll not only get 40+ Modules but you’ll also get 7+ Divi Extension to enhance your Divi Site’s Functionalities.



For Unlimited Sites

  • NRegular Security Audits And Monitoring

    You’ll get Premium Email Support and Plugin Updates for a whole year.

  • NOngoing Updates And Patches

    You’ll get access to 40+ Creative Divi Modules to kick start your next Divi Website.

  • NImmediate Response To Security Threats

    You’ll not only get 40+ Modules but you’ll also get 7+ Divi Extension to enhance your Divi Site’s Functionalities.

  • NRegular Backups And Recovery Plans

    You’ll not only get 40+ Modules but you’ll also get 7+ Divi Extension to enhance your Divi Site’s Functionalities.

  • NMonthly Reports

    You’ll not only get 40+ Modules but you’ll also get 7+ Divi Extension to enhance your Divi Site’s Functionalities.

  • NPersonal Computer Security Advice

    You’ll not only get 40+ Modules but you’ll also get 7+ Divi Extension to enhance your Divi Site’s Functionalities.

£75/ Month